
Many have asked how I am doing after my recent hip replacement. Thank you all for your concern and especially prayers! I promised my doctor, Dr. Grayson Moore, I would have a video for him within three months from surgery so here it is. From a martial artist's standpoint this is a little rough as I have not trained seriously in 9 years and am running pretty hard at 60 years old but am pleased the motion is still there. I knew 9 years ago I did something very bad to my hip but had no idea it was broken. Just as my Dad taught me so many years ago "I got up, dusted myself off and went on down...


Shawn Scott, DC, Grayson Moore, MD, and Frosty Moore, MD of River City Docs will be heading west to where the rivers meet in beautiful Kingsland, Texas to speak to the Lion's Club. They will be speaking on a variety of topics including: acute and chronic back injuries, sports medicine injuries and arthritis. The talk will be on 2/18/16 from 11am-12:30. Please join them.


When the Lake Travis Football team heads to College Station this weekend for their next game, they will have a team of supporters along with them. Key among them will be Grayson Moore, M.D. of Lakeway Regional Medical Center, who has provided medical advice and council to the team throughout the entire season. Dr. Moore is on the sideline and in regular contact with the trainers and Coach Carter to determine whether players are ready to get back in the game following injuries. While most injuries this season have been regular sprains and muscle pains, some players have actually had...
